Have you ever faced the jungle?
- Andy War Andy War repository of Digital Komix
- BABEL ABITARE CRITICO La prima Biennale dell’Abitare Critico a Roma è un progetto laboratorio per sperimentazioni, riflessioni, ricerche, dibattiti che si concentrano e s’inoltrano nello spazio/mondo dell’abitare.
- CRACK! festival Crack fumetti dirompenti
- Editions du Chemin le théâtre est d’abord un spectacle
- Errata errata newz
- Estudio Teddy Cruz trans-border urban dynamics
- FORTEPRENESTINO forteprenestino csoa
- Frida's Children Maya Mihindou’s blog
- MIKE DAVIS on Slums On May 11 in International House’s Great Hall at UCSD, urbanist, author and Professor of History at UC Irvine Mike Davis spoke to an audience of about 200 people about slums. Citing the UN-Habitat report,
- MP5 MP5 blog
- Pablo Martinez Diez pablo martinez diez arquitectura
- RECETAS URBANAS Santiago Cirugeda Parejo – Resistencia a la política urbana. Sistema ligeros de construcción. Estrategia de colonización reversible. Dinámicas de adhesión social. Acción lúdica desestabilizadora. Secuencia temporal instantánea.
- SCIATTO produzie SCIATTO produzie archive
- Wes Janz in 26262625 Architects, he has constructed no-cost installations built of scavenged materials in Argentina, Sri Lanka, and the US.
- A WORLD MAP: in Which We See… An artist’s project by Ashley Hunt, it is affiliated with the Corrections Documentary Project, the second of its mapping projects, following the Prison Maps.
- ABITARE NELLA CRISI Oggi é lo spazio ad essere denaro, ed é nella sua infinita estensione e ramificazione lungo quei corridoi di comunicazione che aggirano, attraversano, lambiscono e circondano paesi, villaggi, campagne e città che si produce, si muove, si scambia, si ac
- AIROOTS/EIRUT a blog on adventitious roots, urban forest and villages,natural cities lost tribes new nomads and everything in beetween.
- AMAZONIA ORG Associazione Amazonia
- AN ARCHITEKTUR An Architektur – Production and Use of the Built Environment – An Architektur is the exercise of discursive architectural practice. For us, both the critical analysis of spatial relations and the visualization of their inherent socio-political conceptio
- APPLIED AUTONOMY institute for applied autonomy
- ARCHITECTURE MILITARY STRATEGY A Review of Eyal Weizman’s Hollow Land: Israel’s Architecture of Occupation
- ARCHITECTURE OF EXILE Lebanon proposes to rebuild Nahr al-Bared, the Palestinian city-camp near Tripoli pulverised in a long siege last year in an attempt to kill Sunni militants holed up there. The new, as yet only imagined, town is intended to preserve the memories of the ol
- BABEL ABITARE CRITICO La prima Biennale dell’Abitare Critico a Roma è un progetto laboratorio per sperimentazioni, riflessioni, ricerche, dibattiti che si concentrano e s’inoltrano nello spazio/mondo dell’abitare.
- blog like you give a damn the official blog of architecture for humanity – minnesota
- CITY MINE(D) City Mine(d) is an international network of individuals and collectives involved with city and local action.
- COPYDOWN radio copydown
- CRACK! festival Crack fumetti dirompenti
- DESINFORMEMONOS La resistencia está en saber escuchar a la tierra. John Berger
- DHARAVI.ORG is a multimedia wiki website designed to gather information, images, and ideas on Dharavi in Mumbai. Dharavi is one of the largest informal settlements in the world. dharavi.org offers a space to discuss the Dharavi Redevelopment Project and its alternati
- ENLARED El proyecto de construcción de una red social, que inspira el guión del documental “ENLARED”, parte de una ocasión excepcional de recuperación y re-uso de un patrimonio mobiliario público; contenedores de viviendas, cedidos por la Sociedad Munici
- ESTO NO ES UNO SOLAR ntervenciones en solares del Casco Histórico de Zaragoza del programa de intervenciones en solares urbanos fruto de un plan de empleo y de la gestión por parte del ayuntamiento de Zaragoza a través de la Sociedad Municipal Zaragoza Vivienda.
- Estudio Teddy Cruz trans-border urban dynamics
- FORTEPRENESTINO forteprenestino csoa
- FORTRESS EUROPE Fortress Europe è dedicato alla memoria delle vittime dell’emigrazione e alla denuncia dei crimini commessi alla frontiera contro migranti e rifugiati. Nato nel gennaio 2006, non riceve nessun finanziamento e si regge su una rete volontaria di giornalist
- HACKITECTURA hackitectura.net is a posse of architects hackers and social activists developing projects and theoretical research in the intersecting field of space, electronic flows and social networks
- ICONOCLASISTAS laboratorio de comunicacion y recursos contrahegemonicos de libre circulation
- INVENTATI collettivo di Autistici-Inventati
- MAP-IT MAP-it is a hands-on tool used to plan, analyse and reconstruct past and future projects and spaces. It is a method to visualise a process in space and time, in a low-tech, open and flexible manner.
- MIKE DAVIS on Slums On May 11 in International House’s Great Hall at UCSD, urbanist, author and Professor of History at UC Irvine Mike Davis spoke to an audience of about 200 people about slums. Citing the UN-Habitat report,
- MOM. MORAR DE OUTRAS MANEIRAS Objetivo central do MOM é investigar processos de produção de moradias, do seu ambiente urbano e de outros espaços cotidianos, tendo por horizonte a autonomia dos moradores, construtores diretos e grupos primários, a economia social e processos const
- MUTE mute magazine culture & politics after the net
- NETWORK CENTRIC WARFARE If the architect/urbanist can no longer sustain the idea of projective city plans, or theorizing about urban development and population characteristics in emerging nations, this is not so for the US military which over the last decade has developed a stra
- NETWORKED CULTURES networked cultures: networked spatial practices
- NO BORDER no border network
- ONDAROSSA radio onda rossa
- OPEN ARCHITECTURE The Open Architecture Network is an online, open source community dedicated to improving living conditions through innovative and sustainable design.The Open Architecture Network is the brainchild of Architecture for Humanity and the designers who volunte
- PEPRAV Plate-forme Européenne de Pratiques et Recherches Alternatives de la Ville
- POLIS polis is a collaborative blog on urbanism with a global focus. It is a space for our regular contributors and readers to share ideas and information about anything and everything urban from multiple lenses. Our contributors come from a wide range of persp
- POLITICAL EQUATOR Investigation into the theme of Urbanities of Labor and Surveillance, foregrounding the notion of a collective territory, but also a territory of collaboration
- POLITICS OF VERTICALITY None of us have a coherent mental map of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Architect Eyal Weizman explains why. We’re missing verticality. In this series of articles and photo-essays, he paints the extraordinary, three-dimensional battle over the West B
- RADARS & FENCES Radars & Fences II Tactical Bioart in the Age of Biotechnology ::: Radars & Fences When the Paradigms of Discipline and Control Collide
- RECETAS URBANAS Santiago Cirugeda Parejo – Resistencia a la política urbana. Sistema ligeros de construcción. Estrategia de colonización reversible. Dinámicas de adhesión social. Acción lúdica desestabilizadora. Secuencia temporal instantánea.
- RED ARQUITECTURAS COLECTIVAS Arquitecturas Colectivas es una red de personas y colectivos interesados en la construcción participativa del entorno urbano. La red proporciona un marco instrumental para la colaboración en diferentes tipos de proyectos e iniciativas. Esta web es una d
- REFDAF reseau des femmes pour le developpement durable en afrique
- RESILIENCE SCIENCE adaptive management, urban ecology, responses to crisis, ecological functioning, serious games, visualization, green design
- ROUNDTABLE RESEARCH ARCHITECTURE: A Laboratory for Critical Spatial Practices
- SCIATTO produzie SCIATTO produzie archive
- SHANTIES. THE INFORMAL CITY the shantyism in the 20th-century Barcelona as an urban phenomenon and helps to reflect on the question of the informal city versus the planned city.
- Society for the Promotion of Area Resource Centres SPARC supports two people’s movements, the National Slum Dwellers Federation and Mahila Milan, in organizing the urban poor to come together, articulate their concerns and collectively produce solutions to the problems they face.
- SQUATTERCITY squatters and squatter cities around the world – Robert Neuwirth blog
- SUBSOL subsol media culture and autonomy
- SUBTOPIA subtopia a field guide to military urbanism
- URBANOLOGY Urbanology is a think & action tank active in the fields of urban development, design, architecture and new media. We explore, document, archive, research and intervene in urban spaces around the world. In the last ten years Urbanology has lead projec
- URBZ URBZ believes that residents are experts in their neighbourhoods. Their everyday experience of the places where they live and work constitute an essential knowledge for planning and urban development.
- V2 institute for the unstable media
- VIROSE virose acr
- WE MAKE MONEY NOT ARCHITECTURE Régine Debatty writes about the intersection between art, design and technology on her blog we-make-money-not-art.com as well as on several European design and art magazines.
- Wes Janz in 26262625 Architects, he has constructed no-cost installations built of scavenged materials in Argentina, Sri Lanka, and the US.
- WEWEARBUILDINGS wewearbuildings blog
- Zoriah photojournalist with a background in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Aid, documenting human crises in developing countries.
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